Display Shop is an ad serving platform that enables retail media on-site operations. We’re flexible and API-driven, allowing you to promote all kinds of content in every place.

Get started, its easy

What's included?

Highly customisable features to power on-site experiences.

Content Library

Manage categories, promo pages, products, and other site components.

Mixed Media

Supports a variety of media types to create rich, engaging content.

Placements & Slots

Highly configurable placements and slots for every location.


Extensive tools for suppliers to manage their content and campaigns.


Enables real-time bidding for ad slots with flexible pricing models.


Offer long-term ad displays for conventional ad slots.

Audience Targeting

Enable advertisers to engage specific audience segments effectively.

Flexible Pricing

Incorporates advanced pricing models to cater for diverse ad strategies.

AB Testing

Automatic testing and optimisation of ad creatives.


Change the way you surface content to fit your location.


Tracks key metrics like impressions, clicks, conversions, and more.


Monitor and approve content before it goes live.

Use cases

Simple to use, powerful to customise. Here are some common use cases:

Promote Any Content

Promote any content type, including products, categories, promo pages, videos, recipes, blog posts, and brand pages.

Promoted Products

Allow suppliers to prominently showcase their products.

Banner Campaigns

Custom banner campaigns that blend seamlessly with your site's aesthetics.


Surface related products within the same category or across categories.


Use algorithms to decide which ads appear in each slot.


Targeting based on segmentation and customer attributes.

AB Testing

Automatic testing and optimisation of ad creatives.

Flash Sales

Run flash sales, discounts, and sampling campaigns.

Content Associations

Surface content that goes well with other content.

Get started

Contact the onboarding team to discuss a plan that includes hands-on support designing, building, and testing your first integration.

Get started, its easy