Use Case

Promoted Products

Allow suppliers to prominently showcase their products.


At the core of on-site retail media is promoted or sponsored products. These are products that are paid for by brands to be displayed in prominent positions on the retailer's website. This can be on the homepage, category pages, search results, or product detail pages.


Display Shop takes a novel approach to promoting content. Instead of promoting products, we promote content. This is a subtle but important distinction. By promoting content, we can promote products, but we can also promote other types of content, such as articles, videos, or recipes.

Products, categories, and your metadata are all content that you publish to the content index. This content can then be promoted in slots on your website.

Placements & Slots

A placement is an advertisable location on your website. For example, you might have a placement for the search experience, and a placement for your category pages.

A slot is a specific location within a placement. For example, you might have a slot for the top of the search results for a horizontal banner, and a slot for promoting products within your product listings.

When setting up your slot configuration, you can specify the type of content that you want to promote in that slot. Limiting the slot to just product content allows for slots to be specifically targeted to promote products.


Display Shop provides a flexible and powerful way to publish and promote content on your website. By promoting content, you can promote products, categories, and other types of content. This allows you to create a rich and engaging experience for your customers, while also driving revenue for your business.