Use Case

Flash Sales

Run flash sales, discounts, and sampling campaigns.


Flash sales are a powerful way to drive revenue and increase customer engagement. They are a limited-time offer that creates a sense of urgency and excitement for your customers. Display Shop provides advertisers with the ability to create and manage flash sales campaigns.

How it Works

Retailers must assign products in their catalog to specific advertisers. Advertisers will then have the authority to create flash sale campaigns for those products.

Its then up to the retailer to surface the flash sale campaigns in the appropriate placements on their website and honor the discount at checkout.


Flash sales can be created with a fixed amount or a percentage discount. The discount amount is set by the advertiser and is surfaced in the ad response.


By allowing advertisers to discount their products its also possible for advertisers to provide free samples of their products. This can be done by setting the discount amount to 100%.

Note: To track long-tail conversion of free samples, the retailer must provide all line items in the checkout event.

Campaign Management

Flash sale campaigns can be scheduled to run for a specific period of time and can use all targeting capabilities available in Display Shop.


Flash sales are a powerful way to drive revenue and increase customer engagement. By providing advertisers with the ability to create and manage flash sales campaigns, Display Shop enables retailers to create a sense of urgency and excitement for their customers.